Who’s Juvie?


Well, that pretty much sums up my life. Thank you for visiting this page – means you’re interested to know who I am 🙂 I’d like to know about you too so don’t be shy and leave your link in the comments for me (and others) to visit. Stay cool!



39 thoughts on “Who’s Juvie?

  1. Juvie, I read the guess blog you did for Mohammad and thought it was a fantastic post. When I come to your blog it seem to be about product recommendations. You say that you love to draw, why is it you are not pursuing that love. You should never try anything as a distraction as you did with you crocheting. A helpless romantic with artistic talents and the ability to do such a wonderful guest post surely can do better. Wishing you the best.


    • Thanks, Mr. Mel! I didn’t have time to draw and honestly, I regret not making time for the things I love. Maybe, one day, I’ll start drawing again. 🙂 You’re correct with the distraction thingy. I shouldn’t have decided to try crocheting because of that reason. Thank you for the kind words, they do mean a lot to me. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  2. Nice to meet you Juvie. Keep up blogging – it’s a great way to express yourself. If you like to write, find some blogs with writing challenges! Thanks so much for following my blog – a shout out to yours is coming soon.


    • Nice meeting you too, Noelle! 🙂 Yes, blogging is fun and it’s a great avenue to share things. I liked that you’re a writer – writers inspire me to write better though I still have a long way to go ❤ It's not easy to tell a story! 😀

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      • My advice is to write about things you know and have experienced. I’m lucky in one way – being older (a lot) I have a lot of experiences to draw on. This should encourage you to get out there and learn about the world!


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